Keywords: dev, rts, templar
New update. Was holding on to it for a while. Shows off some new units, fog of war, and two levels. Still trying to decide where to take the project. To be honest, Geldonyetich's Project Shock was pretty much what I had had in mind, I think.

I was thinking a rogue group of mercenaries controlled by the player who go on missions for various factions. As missions are completed, you get money for upgrades. Then you can go on multiplayer and take your squad against other players' in 1v1 or 2v2 match-ups.

Another route was something like a Metal Gear Solid RTS. Specifically with the engineered soldiers theme to it. But I don't do fan games, but I'll take MGS as inspiration or maybe even a cautionary tale.

In the end, I'm not wholly opposed to expanding past squad-based RTS to a full on RTS. If it stays squad-based then there will be some off-field building where you can set up spy satellites or recon the mission area. One idea was that you can win over the civilians of the area to gain assistance by bribing or funding them.


See the new info on the hub entry: