I've come up with a pretty neat idea. Since I'm still trying to consider Templar's gameplay, etc. (and I guess I'll wait to hear back from ACWraith about the new unit interface, which is just something of a proof of concept at the moment), I'm cooking up a quick project.

Space Invasion:

It'll be a two-player strategy game with building and unit production in a format I don't think anyone has ventured before. The inspiration is from Space Invaders, but each player is controlling their own homeworld and attacking the other player's.

You'll see two screens side by side, one of your homeworld and 'air space' above it and one of your enemy's. P1 is on the left and P2 is on the right. It would be nice to have two maps with different client.eye values, but oh well. I guess I could expand this to three or more players even but the maximum size of client.view is a limiting factor.

As the game develops, you'll improve your homeworld with unit factories and defenses. When you build a unit, if it is an Invader, it will appear on your opponent's screen and start to move down in a 'Spacer Invaders' fashion. If the unit is a Defender, it'll appear on your side and combat nearby Invaders.

The game ends when your units break through the opponent's defenses and destroy their homeworld.

Check out the 'demo':

Now one visual option that the old arcade version implements is that when the fleet moves right, the rightmost column moves first, then the next, and so on. However, the sleep()s involved means that the speed of the fleet is inversely dependent on its size. This may or may not be a good thing. I'll look into it.

Alternatively: I do a mash-up where you can play as Centipede vs. Space Invaders vs. some third party. O_o