Eh time is ticking, But it seems to be a case of not the best candiate is but who isn't the worst(Yeah thats the same, but then again it isn't.. hurrr)

- Hung parliment would be the worst situation right, so thats lib dems gone not to mention they want to join the euro(Noooooo)
- Lets face it David cameron is not a realist/doesn't help me because im not rich so thats torys gone
- Labour is simply the same, which is also bad :(.

I pretty much hate all of there foriegn policys, the econimy is fucked and we are in wars we shouldnt be involved in...

SO the best silution is... flee the country... RUN!

chow for now.
They want to join the Euro, eventually. Eventually is like the next 50 years, not 6 weeks after the election. No sane Government would join the Euro with Greece as it is currently.

Benefits of voting lib dem include:
They don't like the digital economy bill much.
They're new, so you can harass them with letters better.
They want to get rid of £10 bn of waste via scrapping a weapons system we can't legitimately use anyway (trident).

Benefits of drawing the charge of the light-bridge in stick-men on my ballot paper include:
Amusing use of democracy.
If you get enough spoiled ballot papers, they must reballot that constituency, with new candidates.
I'd vote for someone that doesn't like the anti-piracy bill that just passed, but I'm in the US, so it doesn't really matter too much to me.