After seeing what D4RK354B3R was able to do with lighting I decided to try and make my own system.

It's coming along, I have to tweak some things but here's a shot of the game.

I can't guarantee I can make it dynamic (I want to accommodate shooting out lights) but I will keep at it.

I like it. :]

I wonder how you're going about doing it though?

Are you burning the shadows into the map?

How fast is it running for you? Have you tested with multiple clients?
I am having trouble merging two light sources together. What I'm doing is selecting one light and generating overlays for each turf within range.
My ultimate goal is to generate them and save them in an icon for dynamic use, which I can accomplish if I was only dealing with one light. However this is unrealistic, as I want multiple lights lighting up a hallway for example. I'm still playing around with it, if you have any tips let me know.