DragonBall Z: Rise of Bio-Androids

by DaiXKun
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Dragon Ball Z: Rise of Bio-Androids

Game Owner:
Game Hoster and Staff: Taihaku

Rules are as follows Follow them or get booted/banned.
1 respect all players and gms
2. Dont spam
3 Do not ask for GM Asking actually does reduce your chances for GM.
4. be cool have fun .
5. Do not kill in the area around yamcha people just starting tend to get cranky when die
6. Dont ask for edits towards anystats

GM Rules
1. Do not use any editing
2. be helpful when needed
3. Do not Abuse muteboot or ban use them only when needed.
4. Be respectful of everyone
5. You follow all the same rules as playrs as well so Follow accordingly.
6. Do not edit dont give edits