If you're referring to my reply to Dr. Penguin, I agree that DarkCampaigner's reply was better. The main purpose of my post was to make sure that it was known that that person was Dr. Pengiun, who is banned.

If you have any other references, please do point them out. Keep in mind though, that many of my replies are not to give them a straight-forward answer but rather a push in the right direction. My answer may not be the most efficient but that is not my goal. To give someone the most efficient method without them first trying to figure out the most efficient method would be to have them miss out on the best part of the learning experience. You may not agree with my methods and that is fine, but I'm not going to stop them because of that.
Cloud Magic wrote:
If you have an icon stateicon_state inside of 'Base.dmi' that has no name, mobs will have this iconicon_state.
I apologize for my bad wording. Would you like me to add <tt> tags as well?

> mob
> see_invisible = 2 //where or when do you define this variable?
> npc
> invisibility = 2
> proc/talk(mob/m)
> //no istype() or path check here
> m.see_invisible = 1 // now m can't see src

see_invisible is a built-in mob variable.
As for the istype(), I'm not handing out code to be plugged in. I'm telling them what they asked, not adding in all the nit-picky checks.

"upon Bump()ing"

A very awkward way to word this here
I am sorry for my wording again.

http://www.byond.com/ forum/?post=875863&hla=Albro1#comment2696717

There is still repetitive code in this example
I believe I said that "I fixed his gotos". I did not claim to fix anything else.

> screen_loc = "SOUTHEAST to NORTHWEST"
> icon = 'night-vision.dmi'
> mouse_opacity = 0 //wasnt given a layer

As said above, I'm not handing out plug-and-plays. That's not how I have ever or ever will work.

> var/obj/hud/night_vision //hud is a terrible type path to use in an example as libraries and demos could very well use this, causing inexplicable bugs.

Refer to my last statement. I'm not here to compensate for every possible conflicting variable.

> world/New()
> . = ..()
> if(.) //what in gods name are you doing here? seriously?

If you do not know what is happening there, I will be happy to explain.

>         night_vision = new //you could have just instantiated the object at compile time

I guess I didn't feel like it. Preferences, they are a varying subject.

> //why aren't you just using a variable to see if you have night vision active or not? Instead you make two different verbs?
> mob/verb/Night_Vision_Activate()
> usr.client.screen += night_vision
> mob/verb/Night_Vision_Deactivate()
> usr.client.screen -= night_vision

The verbs were merely a quick way to demonstrate the effect it would have. I was not showing him everything he needed for a HUD system, I was showing him how to add a screen effect.

"If they are hidden and you don't know them, chances are you won't be able to find them."

Did you pull that out of your rear end?
No, in fact. If a verb's hidden setting is TRUE, then you cannot access it unless you know the name of the verb and type it directly into the Command bar.

"usr is who called the proc/verb.
src is the source of the proc/verb"

usr is a mob variable that contains the mob of a variable that executed a verb, or the caller of a proc. Also, why did you use the past tense, 'called' here?
The only thing you did here was define what I meant by "who".
Also, why did you use 'executed'?

src is the object containing the proc or verb
This is just a reworded version of my statement. Kudos to you.

"You are calling New() somewhere in your code and you aren't sending a client to the argument."

He wasn't passing in a client to the argument. No sending is involved. Passing.
My sincerest apologies again for using improper wording.

>     // this line is really only used on the first iteration
> // since m starts off as null, we set it to f
> if(!m) m = f

Again, why wouldn't you just instantiate m at compile-time?
Again. Examples are not plug-and-plays in my world. Nor are they often the best way to go about it.


"Are you using an interface? If so, you can go under the output control's Appearance tab and edit the CSS."

Do you mean to say here that he can create a CSS stylesheet?
Well Mr. Technical, there are two things I have to say to this:
1) CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. In other words, you pretty much just said "Cascading Style Sheet stylesheet".
2) The CSS for controls is already created and plugged in. The text you add into there is modifying the pre-existing CSS. Hence why you don't have to do any creation - only editing.

> NewMob(client/c, f)
> // bla bla
> c.mob = //bla bla

No idea what you're planning on accomplishing here. The "bla"s threw me off.
I actually don't remember where I put this. Mind linking me to it? Perhaps I can give you a better explanation and fix your confusion.

> world
> name = "My Game"
> status = "In progress"

You literally offered nothing by posting this example here.
Actually, he didn't know what variables to set to change the game name and hub status. I demonstrated them both.

"(Delay() is not a built-in proc, you have to create it yourself)"
Uhm, that's what sleep and spawn are for...
I don't remember where this is from either. Link it up if you want more insight.

> proc
> worldGenerate(x = world.maxx, y = world.maxy)
> // make x and y default to the current dimensions
> // if you send a different value to x or y then it will override the default
> world.maxx = x
> world.maxy = y

You do realize that if you haven't already set world.maxx and world.maxy and you call this function with no parameters, you'll be setting both of these values to null, right?
world.maxx and world.maxy are set automatically according to the dimensions of the largest existing map file. The default value is even 0 - meaning that it will never pass a null value without doing so manually.

I have no more patience to go on. My point is that you lack the knowledge to be of help on many of the asked forum questions without also hindering with bad practices, awkward phrasing, and messy code.

I do hope that my replies to your examples have enlightened you and shown you that you do not know as much as you think you know. I do hope that you have learned something here.

I am not posting on the forums to create games for people. I am posting on the forums to help them with their issues, and in some cases correct them completely. In most cases, I provide a push in the right direction. Learning is the fun of programming, and I do not believe in spoiling that for them. Their job is to take the information given to them and apply it in the best way they see fit. If they do not believe it is the best way, they can make a topic in Design Philosophy inquiring on how to make it better. Technically they could even put that kind of topic in Developer Help, assuming they have code along with it.
Albro is there like a place to search on where to make huds i want huds for my game like a shortcut for rest
There are plenty of resources available to you, and there's even a section of the Reference dedicated to HUDs. Just look around before asking, it'll get you far in life.
Shut the fuck up cloud.
Actually, I not only pointed out that see_invisible is built in, I pointed out that bit about world.maxx and world.maxy! That's a whole 2 valid points at least! Your argument is therefore invalid. ^_^
So unban me from your blog. >_< i'm just a messenger...
In response to KururugiSuzaku
Lol I see what you mean here; And I agree, he does delete comments out of immaturity. As presented on that *cough* pokemon *cough* game *cough*. Banned me from posting so I couldn't retort to anything said, but left his own for others to see.
He was referring to the person he responded to.
Cloud here reply to my comment? I can only assume so. Anyway, good luck to you.
For fucks sakes, you're one nasty deformed lookin' mother fucker.
In response to Spanda3k
Spanda3k wrote:
For fucks sakes, you're one nasty deformed lookin' mother fucker.

You're insulting someone because of an argument over nothing. Even though Abro might be physically deformed, I'm pretty sure you're mentally deformed.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Super Saiyan X wrote:
Spanda3k wrote:
For fucks sakes, you're one nasty deformed lookin' mother fucker.

You're insulting someone because of an argument over nothing. Even though Abro might be physically deformed, I'm pretty sure you're mentally deformed.

You suck cock Super Saiyan X.
In response to King_LiOnZ
King_LiOnZ wrote:
Super Saiyan X wrote:
Spanda3k wrote:
For fucks sakes, you're one nasty deformed lookin' mother fucker.

You're insulting someone because of an argument over nothing. Even though Abro might be physically deformed, I'm pretty sure you're mentally deformed.

You suck cock Super Saiyan X.

I do enjoy sucking on some chickens. KFC is delicious. What's your point?
Spanda3k wrote:
LMFAO even you agree he's a fucking mutant.

I said 'might be'. Not is.
Might as well have said it, I've seen you before. Cyberlord showed me and Bobby, you look even worse you candy ass nerd.
And, again. You're resorting to insulting someone over nothing. Are you trying to prove something to yourself? You're acting like a fucking Elementary School child. Get over it, grow up.
Elementary school child? Says the one that fucking based his username on a kid's show and made a shitty kiddy game. I'm insulting you and him because you're both worthless and need to go fucking drop dead.
My key was created when, yes, I was in Middle School. At least I'm not insulting people left and right due to my own insecurities, as you seem to be. Albro1 actually contributes to BYOND, most of the time. Sometimes, I do too, apparently, way more than you have.
So, your statement should be,
"I'm insulting you and him because I'm jealous, you're both full of worth and need to go fucking live forever."
In response to Super Saiyan X
Super Saiyan X wrote:
King_LiOnZ wrote:
Super Saiyan X wrote:
Spanda3k wrote:
For fucks sakes, you're one nasty deformed lookin' mother fucker.

You're insulting someone because of an argument over nothing. Even though Abro might be physically deformed, I'm pretty sure you're mentally deformed.

You suck cock Super Saiyan X.

I do enjoy sucking on some chickens. KFC is delicious. What's your point?

Nothing. .-,

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