Hey guys,

I've decided that my personal blog page will no longer be an ad filled space pointing to my games. It now acts as my personal space for my intrests and whatnot. So pretty much game development wise will be directed to my Development Blog which can be located in a link to the right (Development Blog, ;) ).

I'm also in the process of setting up a personal blog on Mostly for my family members to see what i'm up to. Check that out too if you want. Though its still being messed with so there isn't much to view.

Also, i'll get around to editing this CSS so its not a straight coppy from the CSS Guild.

I guess thats all I have to blog for now.
Neblim wrote:
I want to try this blogspot thing out as well. I guess I'll follow you (I guess this is friending?)

Lol I guess so. If you create one I'll follow you too.

Btw, I got your response from the pager. Sorry for the late reply, but yes, I don't mind helping you advertise your games when they are complete. :)

Great, thanks. :)

Sorry for the late reply. :(

No worries.