Pasting icons of different sizes, and repasting the same icon multiple times, could cause inconsistent behavior and possibly crash Dream Maker.
BYOND Version:471
Operating System:Windows XP Pro
Web Browser:Firefox 3.6.6
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (472)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Dream Maker crashes after copying and pasting icon states from one icon to another.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Create 2 icons both 64x64 in size within the Dream Maker's Icon editor

2. In one icon create 3 states 2 with blank names with one of the 2 with blank names having the movement state on and the 3rd icon state named anything.

3. Make sure all of the states have 2 frames.

4. Copy all the states in this icon

5. In the other icon you created earlier uncheck the top part that says "use size from file" and paste the states you copied from the other icon.

6. Delete the states in that icon.

7. Change the X x y values from 64x64 to 64x70

8. Paste the states once again.

9. Change the X x y values from 64x70 to 64x96

10. Paste again

11. Bam Dream Maker crashes.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Yes
In other games? Does not apply
In other user accounts? Does not apply
On other computers? Not sure
"Dream Seekers Takes a dive!" is in no way descriptive. Please edit your report to expand on this.

Also, you have provided incorrect information. Dream Seeker has no icon editor; only Dream Maker does. Based on your report I see no indication that Dream Seeker is having a problem at all. Please edit your report to correct the info so that I can proceed with a test.
Sorry got seeker and maker mixed up.
Found the problem. Thanks for the very detailed steps to follow; those helped a lot.