Anyone planning on grabbing it? My xbox live account is Nora Kisaragi if you wants to battle. I'm a Jin user :3
I'm getting it for the PS3.

But hey, You'd be better off not suffering to Tagers awesomeness.
Blazblu is pretty unbalanced. One of the lower ranking fighting games out there right now
Tsururu wrote:
Blazblu is pretty unbalanced. One of the lower ranking fighting games out there right now

It doesn't seem unbalanced to me. :/
Why, yes. I am getting it.
Ragna user here.
Scotty-V wrote:
Why, yes. I am getting it.
Ragna user here.

Damn, I always fall to Ragna users.
Though I may just use Hazama this time around. Who knows?
Riku 123q wrote:
Tsururu wrote:
Blazblu is pretty unbalanced. One of the lower ranking fighting games out there right now

It doesn't seem unbalanced to me. :/

You're probably just a casual fighting gamer then. Theres a reason it doesn't rank up with the more popular fighting games.

If it had a bigger roster and less broken gameplay, I'd probably want to play it online more often. But it got boring fast. Not alot of online diversity.
Tsururu wrote:
Riku 123q wrote:
Tsururu wrote:
Blazblu is pretty unbalanced. One of the lower ranking fighting games out there right now

It doesn't seem unbalanced to me. :/

You're probably just a casual fighting gamer then.


Theres a reason it doesn't rank up with the more popular fighting games.
If it had a bigger roster and less broken gameplay, I'd probably want to play it online more often. But it got boring fast. Not alot of online diversity.

A bigger roster is indeed needed, But I disagree that the gameplay is broken. :/ It's more entertaining than SF and Tekken IMO.
It's a good thing thats your opinion then; theres a reason BlazBlu wasn't featured at Evo2010 (one of the biggest fighting game tournaments in the world.)

It's too bad the online play is going to suck due to inbalancements.
Rofl, Games like street fighter are supposedly "balanced" but not fun.

Continuum Shift will be both.

This is why I rarely post on sites like this about Fighting games, Idiots like Tsururu fail to realize how Fighting game communities work, they're too busy worrying about games like SSFIV, and ignoring others like Melty Blood and Arcana Heart. So they are more likely to say "Lol dis gaem is unblanced" instead of actally playing the game and evaluating it. Chances are, if I asked him fighting game terminology he'd just sit there and like a moron.

Also, Carl Mainer here. Playing the fuck out of Nirvana 8D
Bluebook wrote:
This is why I rarely post on sites like this about Fighting games, Idiots like Tsururu fail to realize how Fighting game communities work, they're too busy worrying about games like SSFIV, and ignoring others like Melty Blood and Arcana Heart. So they are more likely to say "Lol dis gaem is unblanced" instead of actally playing the game and evaluating it. Chances are, if I asked him fighting game terminology he'd just sit there and like a moron.

Also, Carl Mainer here. Playing the fuck out of Nirvana 8D T-T
I just wanted to say that your megaman 2 game gives an unzip failed error when I try to download it
Which of your games are active and entertaining?
Guilty Gear is superior to BlazBlue.