Hi BYOND! Well today i have been searching for games on BYOND. Find some RP games and i was wondering if they were worth playing. I saw some stuff like Eternia, Nestalgia, etc. Din't tried them yet in case it be a waste of time. RP is Role-Playing but i just wanna know if it is worth playing.
Are you more into graphical roleplaying or text-based roleplaying?

Graphical: NEStalgia isn't big on RP at all; it's orientated towards actual gameplay. There were talks of a roleplaying server at one point but it seems not enough interested was drummed up to warrant one. Eternia's current server is roleplay-orientated though and I've heard good things about it.

Text: RP Unlimited pretty much holds the monopoly on text-based roleplaying. It has a very large community and large number of various RPs.
@Falcon Lazorz

Veterans? That seems interesting, lol.


I've never been into text-based game. I was actually aware of its existence. But to reply to your question i would say Graphical role-playing.