Keywords: art, online, sword

Poll: Should i work on a Sword Art Online game?

Yes 60% (32)
No 39% (21)

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Sword Art Online is so far a great show that i really enjoy! I haven't seen any Sword Art Online game but since the animate is talking about a game i should do as the animate goes. Floors, boss's, villages, etc. I don't know yet but one floor is pretty big, right(In case you know SAO)? So which size should the map be if i really do one? Which type of game should it be? In the animate it is a MMORPG should i just make it MMORPG or just make a PvP?

Try to do a Original Game it helps you stay more motivated imo. Also lol doing SAO game is just f'd up . It's like how they made that Dragon Ball Z hollywood film with real people, If its not correct in one way you're gunn get a lot of Fan Bashing on ya.
I think you should do whatever you want to do.

In response to VixiV
VixiV wrote:
If its not correct in one way you're gunn get a lot of Fan Bashing on ya.

@VixiV & @Lige
Thanks for those motivating comment! It's just that when it comes to make an original project, i have plenty that just doesn't make sense and that people don't like or are just bashing it. Well, i'll think about it! =)

It's just that i'm scare of people's reaction if i do "whatever i want" :(

@Falcon lazorz
Thanks Coach! ;)
In response to Diamond Jozu
Scared of people's reaction? Why should how someone you don't know feels about you effect you? If you just do whatever people would accept the most/easiest, you'll just end up making the same thing over and over *cough*CoD*cough*.
@Falcon Lazorz

I guess o.o?
In response to Diamond Jozu
Simple translation: Do what you want, it shouldn't matter to you what people think, as long as you think what you are doing is right.
Lol Ok
As a fan of SAO I'd actually like to see a game based off of the anime, if you would actually go through with it then I vote yes.
I actually have already started making one xD. It's pretty fun to make. Been doing it for like a month. But yeah, Diamond if you want to make one.
The SAO game should be like:

If you die in the game.

You get ID banned forever.
Falcon lazorz wrote:
Or you could just not make a game based off of something and disgrace the name of said something.

In response to King_LiOnZ
King_LiOnZ wrote:
The SAO game should be like:

If you die in the game.

You get ID banned forever.

What happens in my version is that your Save gets deleted. But anyway... SAO is becoming even sadder D: Episode 15 come nowwwwwwwww!