Naruto Ninja Moo Moo (Old Hub)

by Ashley_Laww
Naruto Ninja Moo Moo (Old Hub)
Offically the new awesomest most naruto game in byond History! Must play!!
Banned for 2 years...

People, please type in if you were banned for 2 years on Moo Moo.
I was Banned for 2 years and I would like a Unban
i wasdnt i just got banned for a reason i dont even know i didnt agure to an admin or owner so i have no idea
unban me plz
You were posing as Monic and then introduced a rip saying it was better then MooMoo.
ohh im really sorry i got pissed off with someone cuz they kept using noob attacks and i raged im really sorry simon i shouldnt have done tht may i please be unbaned i love fairy tail i promise to not disturb popele again im sorry i should have thought before my actions im so sorry please unban me give me a chance plz
Okay, I was ban from moo moo more than two years. I still really don't know what the reason was for, but I'd just like to talk to Ashley about why I was ban and if It's possible for me to play again.

I think this game is great, and it probably improved since I've been gone. I'm just looking forward to playing again and if I can't I just want a reason.

Thanks for reading if you did. @admin Team
I was banned for about 2 years and i want a unban i apologized to admins and everything asked friends to tell them to unban me but they wont. All they said was i was spamming and i dont even remember doing that because i havent played this in a while. The last time i played this was on Fairy tail and it let me log in but it said i was permanent banned. Please unban me.
I don't see why this game gets the attention it does... It's horrible coded bugs that Ashley cannot fix so she attempts to play it off by making less quality moo moo's, Not only is the "creator" immature but she believes she owns all Naruto side scrolling games and is being a complete Naruto Nazi about it
This is most likely because she doesn't want competition with better games. I'd rather play Zerok's game It's not as buggy though the sprites and maps are low quality it's better than this.

I ramble alot x.x
I know of that game but last time I played it I got killed as Pein in 3 melee hits so I said it sucked and I quit. Did this ever change? Doubt I would want to play it but I would like to know. Do people still get killed easy?
I have been banned for over 2 years and would like a unban