Naruto: Way Of The Shinobi

by Axerob
Naruto: Way Of The Shinobi
4.0 in progress. [More]

Medals Earned

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Medals Available

Your first step

Attain Genin Rank.

Now we're getting somewhere

Attain Chuunin Rank.

A True Duplicate

Perform "Bunshin no Jutsu" for the first time.

Welcome, Adventurer!

Log onto the game for the first time.

Elemental Novice

Attain your first Elemental jutsu.


Kill someone that's currently not on your screen.

Baby Steps

Complete your first Non-Tutorial mission.

Novice Adventurer

Complete 25% of the Story Missions.


Complete 50% of the Story Missions.


Complete 100% of the Story Missions.


Complete 100% of the Story Missions and the Side-Quest Missions.

Ninja Trainee

Attain level 25.


Attain Level 100.


Attain Level 250.


Attain Level 500


Attain Level 1000.

Living Legend

Attain Level 1500

God's Image

Attain Level 1800.

Let's get this party started

Kill ten player ninja in a row without dying.

Death Dealer

Kill thirty player ninja in a row without dying.


Kill fifty player ninja in a row without dying.

I can see!

Unlock Sharingan.

Just try me now

Unlock Sharingan 2.

Full Power

Unlock Mangeyoku Sharingan.

Your fate is sealed

Unlock Byakugan 1.