Soul Elysium

by Bustercannon
Soul Elysium
An original take on an old classic with the same development team you remember! PvP galore. [More]
Version 20
Date added: Jan 12
Last updated: Jan 14
137 fans

1 Game Live!

Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.

byond:// [| PvP Server | v20 | 3 Players | Level Cap: None| Build Cap: 200| Rebirth Level: 250 |Next Event: Salvage | War: Active | Soul Gem: | Experience Multiplier x1]
Hosted by Bustercannon

Logged in: 3 players [See list]
Please join our official SE discord!

Discord notifications will be the key for telling players about active game events and patch notes so please join!

Suggestions needed/welcome! Thank you everyone.