
by DaGoat787
Write you own script in a great and easy to learn programming language, make your own bot and make it destroy the others! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 4
Date added: Apr 15 2006
Last played: Apr 15 2006
2 fans

Waiting List

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In this game you get a bot and write a script for it and then let the bot fight in arenas against the bots of other players.

The scripts use a selfmade language, which is as easy as possible (documentation ingame).

Important notice:
The game reached the beta status (the game is finished and now just needs more testing), but if you have ideas for new bodyparts, floors or anything else, then leave a suggestion ingame and I will try to implement them.

Special Thanks to:
Gerdan - The owner of the game!
D4RK3 54B3R - Almost every icon.
Crispy - FullBan lib
AbyssDragon - SortProcs lib