
by Deathstar175
Defend yourselves against the hordes... [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Deathstar175.TowerDefense##version=11

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Version 0.95 (Almost done wi
Date added: Aug 26 2005
Last updated: Feb 25 2007
Last played: Jan 14 2019
16 fans

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Version .95
One new tower, more powerful than all the ones before it. 5 new monsters, the Elemental Saga.
Version .9
Two new area maps, along with some scenery withing in all of them, no more just bland grass and dirt, now we have trees!
Along with the new maps comes a new set of challenges for you the players, although there are no new monsters...
Version .8
A couple new towers and waves of enemies. Check out for more information.
Version .7
More new towers, more updated icons, bugs fixes. Have fun with the boosters.
Version .6
sill 17 waves, with increasing difficulty to infinite as you progress.
Several new towers and some updated icons.

Version .55 is out!
17 waves with a much harder second run through after the 16th wave.
Timer added for afk players in game.
Some much needed bug fixes including the sell procedures, they work now.