Bleach Return of the Kings Key 2

by Dracomancer12
Bleach Return of the Kings Key 2
Redone and Remastered Come one Come All to the next top game on byond [More]

Medals Earned

No players have earned any medals yet.

Medals Available

Captain Commander

Become the Squad 1 Captain

2nd Division Captain

Become the Squad 2 Captain

3rd Division Captain

Become the Squad 3 Captain

4th Division Captain

Become the Squad 4 Captain

5th Division Captain

Become the Squad 5 Captain

6th Division Captain

Become the Squad 6 Captain

7th Division Captain

Become the Squad 7 Captain

8th Division Captain

Become the Squad 8 Captain

9th Division Captain

Become the Squad 9 Captain

10th Division Captain

Become the Squad 10 Captain

11th Division Captain

Become the Squad 11 Captain

12th Division Captain

Become the Squad 12 Captain

13th Division Captain

Become the Squad 13 Captain

1st Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 1 Lieutenant

2nd Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 2 Lieutenant

3rd Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 3 Lieutenant

4th Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 4 Lieutenant

5th Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 5 Lieutenant

6th Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 6 Lieutenant

7th Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 7 Lieutenant

8th Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 8 Lieutenant

9th Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 9 Lieutenant

10th Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 10 Lieutenant

11th Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 11 Lieutenant

12th Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 12 Lieutenant

13th Division Lieutenant

Become the Squad 13 Lieutenant

Espada Leader

Betray Soul Society to Become the Ruler of Hueco Mundo

Espada Co-Leader Gin

Join Aizen in ruling Hueco Mundo

Espada Co-Leader Tousen

Join Aizen in ruling Hueco Mundo

Espada # 1

Recieve the 1st Espada Rank

Espada # 2

Recieve the 2nd Espada Rank

Espada # 3

Recieve the 3rd Espada Rank

Espada # 4

Recieve the 4th Espada Rank

Espada # 5

Recieve the 5th Espada Rank

Espada # 6

Recieve the 6th Espada Rank

Espada # 7

Recieve the 7th Espada Rank

Espada # 8

Recieve the 8th Espada Rank

Espada # 9

Recieve the 9th Espada Rank

Espada # 10

Recieve the 10th Espada Rank