Zombie Apocalypse Simulator

by El Wookie
It's the zombie apocalypse. Zomg! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://ElWookie.ZAS##version=4

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 4
Date added: Apr 6 2011
Last updated: May 5 2011
Last played: Jun 16 2015
12 fans
One of my first games, simple turn based stuff. Click on your little people to assign them jobs, survive!

(05-05-11)Update! Made it less likely to find survivors (No more spamming search survivors on all, grr)
High Scores! For Hard mode only though. ;)


Lugia319: (Dec 10 2012, 6:10 am)
Not sure if this is a glitch but if you continually run days without ever doing anything, it says "Hacked score detected" after you lose.
Brettpenzer: (Sep 28 2011, 12:40 pm)
I like this game, abit different to the usually games your normally see on BYOND

To Be Honest I'll probs make a game like this it's not stealing your work or copying it's just you gave me so many ideas that somethink so simple can turn out to be somethink so good!
El Wookie: (May 3 2011, 2:34 am)
I'm always up for suggestions in the forum >:I
Slic3y: (May 3 2011, 2:18 am)
Heh, I had fun with this. All it needs is an objective you must reach.