Bleach Destruction For Chaos

by Enemihay
Bleach Destruction For Chaos
A new bleach game Made by ME.Don't be jelous and dont forget to rank!!! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: May 16 2008
Last updated: May 17 2008
Last played: Jun 8 2008
3 fans

Waiting List

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Welcome To Bleach Destruction For Chaos


Captains and Luteniants:

Captain of Squad 1:
Luteniant of Squad 1:
Captain of Squad 2:
Luteniant of Squad 2:
Captain of Squad 3:
Luteniant of Squad 3:
Captain of Squad 4:
Luteniant of Squad 4:
Captain of Squad 5:
Luteniant of Squad 5:
Captain of Squad 6:
Luteniant of Squad 6:
Captain of Squad 7:
Luteniant of Squad 7:
Captain of Squad 8:
Luteniant of Squad 8:
Captain of Squad 9:
Luteniant of Squad 9:
Captain of Squad 10:
Luteniant of Squad 10:
Captain of Squad 11:
Luteniant of Squad 11:
Captain of Squad 12:
Luteniant of Squad 12:
Captain of Squad 13:
Luteniant of Squad 13:
group bleach


Shinigami Captain: lvl 150k shikai/bankai mastery flash step mastery and 100 kills

Vaizard Leader: lvl 150k Shikai/bankai Mastered hollow mask mastered 150 kills

Quincy Leader: lvl 150k Final Form 2 Mastered whatever there form of flash step is mastered 100 kills

Espada Leader: 150 lvl Ressurection Mastery sonido mastery

bleach Memories 2

Leaders :

Vizard Leader:
Espada Leader:
Quincy Leader:



Have Fun Playing!!


Copyright© Byakuya Uchiha Productions 2008
ll Rights Reserved.