Dragonball: Test Of Time

by Jbozza
Dragonball: Test Of Time
new dragonball game using zeta icons only! all the coding is mine [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 0.1
Date added: Aug 24 2007
Last updated: Jul 7 2008
Last played: Nov 17 2007
2 fans

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new dragonball game come in and play. the games in open testing.

Owner/Coder/Mapper: Jbozza
Co_Owner/Mapper: Jasonpb

(25/8/07) Opened hub and hosting game for the public to play.
(31/8/07) Nooooo my computer is broken and it had all my the work I had done.
(5/9/07) Good news I've got the icons and codes back from a friend (lukily I have trustwervy friends) now I need to continue updating the game.

1) Completly redoing map dunno why I let my brother do the current one.
2) Recoding everything and cleaning out usless coding.
3) Might redo icons thought I'm not good at iconing.

join Kings Of Chaos and become my officer today.

Only people with byond 4.0 (version 409) can play. You can find the .exe file Here