Contract to Chaos

by Megablaze
Side view fighter. Similar to super smash brothers. [More]

Top Players

Name Score Kills Deaths
#1 MasterLink2003 946 540 277
#2 Clairvoyance 842 522 306
#3 David xP 290 138 249
#4 XnathanielX 233 128 156
#5 Thelittleshogun 174 75 76
#6 Joaquinn10 165 50 35
#7 S0S 156 45 38
#8 FrozenFear 155 35 15
#9 The Eternal Darkness 153 32 11
#10 Sil the hedgehog 147 28 42
#11 Sushiron 146 28 13
#12 Mange125 141 27 13
#13 Skuller 133 42 51
#14 Megablaze 131 18 6
#15 Awesomeben51 130 31 32
#16 BlueCloneNinja 128 17 6
#17 Powietrze 123 26 29
#18 Dusteh 121 32 68
#19 Tahaj 119 62 118
#20 Kr 118 14 10
Page: 1 2 3 ...

Medals Earned

Medal Player Date
Jul 4 2010, 10:54 am
Oct 5 2009, 2:31 pm
Sep 24 2009, 4:09 pm
Sep 16 2009, 2:10 pm
Sep 15 2009, 5:22 am
Sep 15 2009, 4:56 am
Sep 13 2009, 6:32 am
Sep 12 2009, 5:56 pm
Oct 5 2009, 2:31 pm
Oct 5 2009, 2:29 pm
Sep 15 2009, 5:31 am
Sep 29 2009, 8:28 am
Sep 15 2009, 8:38 am
Sep 15 2009, 6:29 am
Sep 15 2009, 5:47 am
Sep 15 2009, 5:21 am
Sep 15 2009, 5:21 am

Medals Available


Have more deaths than kills with at least 100 kills.


Have an equal Kill/Death ratio with at least 100 kills.


Have two times more kills than deaths with at least 100 kills.

Just checking things out

Spend 20 minutes playing the game.

Kind of fun

Spend 4 hours playing the game.


Shoot 1000 special attacks