Naruto Kyuubi Rage

by Roxas_KeyBlade
Naruto Kyuubi Rage
KR2 IS NOW OUT!!!!!!! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Jul 12 2007
Last updated: Sep 1 2019
Last played: Mar 29 2008
8 fans

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The original Kyuubi Rage. The old formatting for the hub is basically not functional anymore so I removed it. I've been attempting to make a new BOTLS rip for the fun of it and to relive some old memories (as of 9/1/2019). I'll be hosting it on this games sequel hub until it gets to the point I want to release it as a different title. Check out the sequels hub at NarutoKyuubiRage2KyuubiVs.CurseSeal