Universe of Comics

by SevenSinsGaming
Universe of Comics
Universe of Comics is a roleplaying game based on DC and Marvel Comics. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 2.0D
Date added: Jul 19 2010
Last updated: Nov 27 2013
Last played: May 23 2017
404 fans

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Universe of Comics
... is a game focusing on several forms of comic books, including DC Comics, Amalgam, Marvel, Image and Shadowhorse Comics. It is a Roleplaying Game in which the players shape the outcome of updates, and is not based upon verbs or stats.

It possesses a unique map centering in metropolis, with graphics that are NOT an eyesore, unlike most byond games.

With an array of races and powers, including, but not limited to;

Metahumans and Mutants
and so much more.

Universe of Comics is owned by Seven Sins Gaming, more specifically so, the Senior Partners; Samantha(Lust), Osiris(Pride), TheInfamousGamer(Greed), and Terra.

©2010-2012 Seven Sins Gaming Team

Recent Medals

Weapons Specialist

Earned by Kyro17
Apr 21 2017, 5:29 pm

Weapons Specialist

Earned by XxDarkxX
Mar 24 2017, 12:16 am


Gokuwarior213: (Sep 14 2015, 5:47 am)
hey i like the game i love it i and my friend play it the game is funny.....but is there a Kryptonians race???
Tnx for Beast Game On byond i love it.
The Infamous Gamer: (Jun 14 2015, 9:05 am)
Thank you. Your input is appreciated.
XXXxJokerxXXX: (Jun 14 2015, 5:21 am)
Nice. You're using a copyrighted logo as your logo for a fake copyright company. Also "Universe of Comics" is already a copyrighted company. Not even sure what you attempted, but it looks like a bunch of weeaboos attempted to do something without having even half the knowledge needed to do so.
JohnofAstora: (Feb 26 2015, 12:59 pm)
Kinda sad i have to be a byond member to be a Kryptonian, I have always wanted a good kryptonian character in a game, But sadly i cant afford to pay a byond subscription as i was recently "Let go" from my job. Is there any other way to play as a krytonian, Because i feel that i would make a good one.
Dragofiend20: (Jun 7 2013, 10:18 am)
Dear god! Why did it go down!?