
by Sphinxe1
New Horror Survival/Adventure Game, come check it out. If you like Resident'll definitely like this. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Oct 6 2009
Last updated: Sep 14 2011
Last played: Nov 5 2011
65 fans

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Survival/Horror Action Adventure

In a world, where tears no longer show meaning, where the cries of the unborn are never heard, where the lives of people are no longer valuable and where the tones of sorrow run like a never ending river. The sudden change for the planet earth has brought forth the true meaning of once a forgotten word, because of the occurrence of this tragedy the state of the world is now in true Despair.
Because of human nature, nature it self is becoming corrupted.

What you might want to know

Original Art and Icons
Original Codes
Original Fun
Completely Verbless

Game Features

Leveling system
Cash system
Trade system
Elemental Magic System
Squad Based modes
Sound Responsive Enemies
Upgradeable Skills
Upgradeable weapons
Melee Weapons
Breakable miscellaneous and useful objects

Awesomeness to the Max!

Date Started: 10/07/09

Teamwork is a must.

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Copyright © 2009 Sphinxe1

Recent Medals

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Earned by Sphinxe1
Apr 21 2010, 9:13 am

Silver Medalist

Earned by Sphinxe1
Nov 3 2009, 6:52 am


Sadomasoquista: (Aug 11 2012, 10:01 am)
i wannnnnnt playy :D!
Mastermen112: (Sep 26 2011, 8:00 pm)
Sphinxe, get on msn so I can send you my super tight shirt for Nomad

Sphinxe1: (Sep 25 2011, 12:32 pm)
Mastermen112 wrote:
He didn't quit, Sphinxe is just busy with college and shit, this game is still being worked on

Yeah what he said...
I'm working diligently piecing together my ideas and artwork...editing, correcting and creating many days out of the week.

Don't want to give any dates out atm though.
Mastermen112: (Sep 23 2011, 8:20 pm)
He didn't quit, Sphinxe is just busy with college and shit, this game is still being worked on
Ryuk25: (Sep 22 2011, 5:54 pm)
Sphinxe1 wrote:

How is the progress, on the game?