DragonBall Supreme Legends

by Ttot
DragonBall Supreme Legends
Hey!!Join now and get ahead of the action! Hosted 24/7!!! Last Player Wipe - July 30th. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Jul 27 2009
Last updated: Aug 2 2009
Last played: Aug 2 2009
2 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]





Owner: Ttot(Ttot)


If you wish to become a GM, go on the Forums then from there go to Applications and fill out our format given.



Trial Enforcer




1- No Spamming
2- No Advertising
3- No Racism
4- No asking for GM/Enforcer
5- No Bug Abusing
6- No Caps in OOC
7- Don't constantly annoy Staff
8- Don't complain if you are jailed, muted, banned etc.
- Have Fun!

-Staff Rules-

1- Respect other Staff members
2- Don't get carried away with your verbs
3- Don't abuse your verbs
4- Don't boot/ban players because you don't like them or your in a bad mood
5- Treat players the way you wish to be treated
6- Dont abuse announce
7- Obey those higher rank than you


Last Pwipe : August 2, 2009
