Bleach: Breed of Destruction - Scores

Name Level Total Stats Kill / Death Ratio Kills Money
#1 Kain 11,934 6,011,100,000 33,333.3 100,000 8,467
#2 Dreb 382 64,278,800 8,333.33 50,000 30,000,000,000,000
#3 Beep 308 784,258 250 500 999,401,000
#4 Zhuge 1,003 8,309,620 198 990 30,533,000
#5 Barty, asshole of BoD 666 5,350,140 161 322 4,493,170
#6 Irish Barty 666 5,350,140 160 320 4,552,400
#7 Brute 152 5,050,020 70 70 20,041,200
#8 J Barty 666 5,350,020 52 104 20,068,200
#9 Elite Four Champion, Blue 1,013 18,343,400 38.625 309 300,472
#10 The Elite Four's Champion, Blue 962 18,142,400 38.25 306 1,000,000,000,000
#11 Milenko 544 2,505,990 36 115 824,897
#12 Yellow Dynamite 1,006 1.#INF 35.6 356 495,223,000,000,000
#13 Lon-Quo 777 5,853,740 34.5 69 69,356
#14 Richard-iro Hiro 826 6,828,590 33.6 168 99,998,900,000,000
#15 Blue Eyes White Dragon 150 1.#INF 33 99 50,000,000,000,000
#16 Squishy 369 1.#INF 31 62 1.#INF
#17 HufferPuffer 1,006 1.#INF 30.6667 368 495,223,000,000,000
#18 PureBlood the Wise 972 9,625,310 26.3333 237 31,362,100
#19 Hufflepuff 744 1.#INF 25.3 253 495,223,000,000,000
#20 Ryoko 228 447,581 25 100 285
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