Naruto: Evolution - Medals

Medals available Medals earned

Next Generation

Become the Kage of your village

Top Dog

Become a Jounin of your village

Kage's Assistant

Become an ANBU

Mission Complete!

Congratulations ! You've completed your first combat mission !

Been there, Done that

Congratulations ! You've passed all 5 of the Academy test and now promoted to a Genin !

I can see !

You've successfully activated your Sharingan and killed your opponent in a Battle .!

Dangerous Shinobi

With all that hatred in your eyes , You've achieved the - Mangekyo Sharingan ...

True White Eyes

You've obtained the Byukugan !

Will of Fire

You've achieved your First Inner Gate , Gate of Opening !

4th Great Ninja War

Compete in the 4th Great Ninja War and sucessfully killed an B-ranked Shinobi!

Growned Up

You've won the Chuunin Exams and successfully obtained the rank: "Chuunin"


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