PZ - Scores

Name Level Pokemon
#21 Chyunman (ChyunMan98) 56 Lucario
#22 KitKatChunky (KitKatKatrina) 56 Munchlax
#23 Kink (Kevin208) 55 Mr._Mime
#24 Nicki Minaj (Aranka) 53 Jynx
#25 Stormcaller (Migiri) 53 Electivire
#26 KitKat (KitKatKatrina) 53 Aggron
#27 Siana (KKom) 52 Jynx
#28 Voltaic (Clypto) 52 Electivire
#29 Azure (Sentinal01) 50 Lucario
#30 Valvatorez (BkBear_25) 49 Charizard
#31 Squad (Stormageddon Dark Lord Of All) 49 Blastoise
#32 Audiaphilia (Katara6) 46 Jynx
#33 Buzz (Dninja2010) 45 Electivire
#34 Arcadia (Flaming-god) 45 Espeon
#35 GiBe Me kISs (Bloodkat) 45 Jynx
#36 Izanami (Kurayami Kanade) 45 Dusknoir
#37 Decepcao (Firesuan5) 44 Sharpedo
#38 Valcius (Youke) 43 Electivire
#39 Wattz (Yagure) 42 Electivire
#40 Akihiro (Aki13) 42 Magmar
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