PZ - Scores

Name Level Pokemon
#1 KitKat (KitKatKatrina) 53 Aggron
#2 Aero (Aero-Knight248) 69 Arcanine
#3 Clarey (Kayren) 1 Aron
#4 Ultimates (Trainer1806) 22 Aron
#5 Auzzie (Glasses) 59 Azumarill
#6 Renn (BlueAkira) 28 Azumarill
#7 Sperling (Timmy565) 32 Azumarill
#8 Elli (Eleiy7575) 8 Azurill
#9 SHmaida (Kakashysensey) 6 Azurill
#10 Bailey (Phantom_Merlock) 24 Beedrill
#11 Cowman (Morello) 42 Blastoise
#12 Squad (Stormageddon Dark Lord Of All) 49 Blastoise
#13 Cerbs (IBUZA) 5 Budew
#14 FlorDelOrto (Ray3) 9 Budew
#15 Dance dacne (Bloodkat) 12 Bulbasaur
#16 Paul Peters (PaulPeters) 21 Chansey
#17 Valvatorez (BkBear_25) 49 Charizard
#18 Raiden (Inner Hollowz) 7 Charmander
#19 KitKatt (KitKatKatrina) 35 Charmeleon
#20 Kagero (Todan) 15 Chingling
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