
Request your custom code snippet or choose from others pre-made! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: May 1 2002
Last updated: Mar 14 2003
0 fans
BYONDcodeclient is here! If you need some code done, just reach for the codeclient!

Here are the prices:

1 dime - easy code
3 dimes - medium code
5 dimes - hard code

The BYONDcodeclient staff can refuse to anybody, at anytime. Dimes must be paid in advance or half now, and half after the code snippet is done. If you need the code by a certian date, I add 2 dimes to the price. The BYONDcodeclient staff determines whether the code is easy,medium, or difficult.
The code will be made in demo form, with ugly icons. I will put them up on my BYONDcodeclient channel, and you suscribe to that demo that I have. That way you can get it. For life that is.

-The BYONDcodeclient staff