(In reference to opacity / sight / reference point)

It'd be nice to be able to set your perspective to more than one location (such as if your client eye and mob are at different locations but you'd like to be able to see anything that either of them can see) or simply manually override this behavior. 'Simply' was probably a foolish word to use because I would guess that adding the ability to manually override that is probably much more difficult than just setting two source points, but IDK.
I'd say providing multiple map viewing points (i.e. seeing both your mob's area and your eye's, in whatever way you planned that to work) would be just about as difficult as providing multiple fully functional map controls, which is something they've been saying is very difficult to do for a long while.
Having more control over viewing calculations related to opacity, sight, luminosity and more would also be interesting, but then I'm not sure if you can find a good enough and efficient way to implement even the interface allowing such in-depth control.
In response to Kaioken
Kaioken wrote:
Having more control over viewing calculations related to opacity, sight, luminosity and more would also be interesting, but then I'm not sure if you can find a good enough and efficient way to implement even the interface allowing such in-depth control.

This is what I'm referring to. Not the other thing you're talking about.
In response to AJX
Actually, by reading another topic where you mentioned this I figured you're not really referring to anything I've said, and you weren't clear enough in the first post.

You want the ability to give a player one eye and center of view, but allow him to see from the perspective of multiple objects (instead of either the eye object, or the player mob's), for example 2 different mobs at different positions. This would presumably be done through a list of 'point of view' objects, of course. So if your eye is a turf inside a maze (made up of opaque walls), and your povs list contains 2 mobs at different positions at that maze, you'll be able to see any tile/object that at least one of those mobs can see (irregardless of that tile being blocked from view from your eye's position), and you won't be able to see objects that none of the atoms in the povs list can see.
(Of course, if this was added it would be well implemented as another option for the perspective var (a list containing atoms, and for completeness also an option for a single atom reference).)

Not a bad feature, it could allow for things like native fog-of-war implementation in RTS games by using luminosity and making the player's POVs list a list of all his units, that could each have its own see_in_dark (which incidentally only mobs have) and so they uncover different ranges of tiles. Though of course, as far as implementing it goes, that would probably be a difficult and likely low-priority task.
Since sight is calculated client-side, this would have to come AFTER the ability to make significant client-side changes.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Since sight is calculated client-side, this would have to come AFTER the ability to make significant client-side changes.

That hadn't occurred to me. But yes, then you are correct, and this concept fails. :(
In response to Garthor
Not in particular, for what he wants. He wants a specific feature instead of broad control, and that feature wouldn't take something of a different caliber than what stuff like images and screen objects already do; send a bunch of info to the client and let it handle it all on its own, hardcodedly.