Keywords: development
So if your really really lucky, here is a list of games that might get an update soon:

Exploder: Technically I could make the Elo rankings automatic now, so I might give it ago. We'll see.

Communism 2: Could do with results table and medals.

Wargames 2: I keep promising an update, its really nearly done. Really.

Geekdash 3: Would love to get this game out again, this time with a level editor. I think it would be interesting.

Environment: Still 4.0'ing

Dream Shining Character: Really, only needs re-mapping to account for newer Byond features (realising that this was last updated about 5 years ago).

Joshtan: Still needs finishing, lol.

Idle Warrior 2006: Might be released before 2010.

Space Commander: A few updates done since last time, could finish off probably one day.

Law of the Board: Needs 4.0ing, could easily get back into coding it if time permits.

Pinky: Has a bug fix, although I won't put up for awhile until I have more stuff to release with it.

Survive This!: Was intended to be my main project outside of Wargames, been put on hold till now due to fasting, might be able to get round to another update soon.

So there you go, some (or none) of these might spark enough interest in myself to update them. Who knows!
woah u have lotz of a games
