I've recently been working on Wargames 2, sorry but that takes my fancy more than the original right now, but I will get back to it. I'm afraid I'm going away again, so I won't be able to host for about a month.

With Wargames 2, I've been working on the scenario editor, now that the Map editor is working fine. In preparation I've made additional changes to the Map section (the ability to do 3x3 boxes, etc to save clicking, showing your co-ordinates, adding borders to the icons so you can judge spacing things like that) and started making some blank world maps which I'll need to fill in with terrain. In my current files, I have it so that you can change the game options as part of the Scenario (ie, what you see after map generation/loading in Wargames 2) so that could effectively be used to speed up the process if you always pick the same options and get fed up with clicking it all the time.

I haven't released this yet, because I need to update Wargames2 in order for the Scenarios to work, but now you know what is coming up. My intention is to hopefully get a few more basics into the Scenario editor (like number of players, starting towns, border colour and names) so that I can design a few levels and you can try it out. Because I'm up to the "Romanic Age" (basically Roman technology 500 BC to 500 AD) there is plenty of wars and time periods to base scenarios on. I'd like to do a Roman Conquest of Britain scenario for an example using my 19x19 map, and perhaps another involving the European map.

I might upload the blank world maps to the wiki in a minute, these range from 19x19 to 130x60 (which is where it starts to actually look like the world!) but as I said, I still need to terrain it.

I'm open to requests for test scenarios (which I admit I'm looking forward to :p) so if you want to suggest something then these links might help.

and probably more interesting: