| Would like to be able to change appearance_flags on-step in animate(). Currently it is not a supported variable, though …
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| I've had the idea of remaking Souls of Chaos from the ground up for a long time, but I'm finally at a point where it's …
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| My own modernized take on Souls of Chaos.
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| Posting this purely so it'll (hopefully) pop up on the Game Updates section of the Forums and maybe someone who was …
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| Everybody loves video tutorials right?
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| Damn guys, back at it again with the Paint Tool SAI. Did this RWBY piece. It is mostly just a fan-made scenario, but …
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| Here's a sketch I started working on tonight. Will be continuing it tomorrow. I know there's plenty to fix on it still, …
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| Heya long time no talk guys lol Anyways here's a thing I'm working on. Excuse the nasty JPG, I'm on my laptop and had …
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| Was in the neighborhood and figured I would post this. Hey. Bye. :)
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| Another update, guys! This is my latest WIP. (Right click and click "Open Image In New Tab" to see it full size - it is …
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| Hey guys, here's my latest creation! This took about 2 1/2 - 3 hours …
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| Hey guys, I drew Jinx from League of Legends! I am really liking this style, it is a ton of fun to create with …
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| Been dabbling with realism, trying to practice it some more, since I'm not quite where I would like to be with it. This …
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| I found this. It is about 2 months old. I figure there's a chance posting this here may just help someone, and I'm …
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| So guys, first season of the original Narto is free on Xbox live, and 50% off the other seasons. ITS A GOOD DAY
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| Yeah, I'm probably not going to be too active. But here we are!
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| I found this game earlier this week when a post about it ended up on the front of r/gaming. I was not prepared for the …
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| The much-needed overhaul of [Bleach] Shinzui.
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| This was mentioned by IainPeregrine in the "concept of difficulty" topic, but after watching these I really think they …
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| So I'm trying to win this contest. You have a template to make a comic with, its only 4 blocks. This is a rough draft, …
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| Anybody know how to contact Tor? I know he's MIA, but I'm sure someone has his contact info and I just need to ask him …
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| Am I missing something, or is there no option for screenshots on hubs anymore? I went back and checked my old hubs and …
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| I like that the issue with maptext overflowing was fixed and it now wraps correctly, but I am still left with a dilemma …
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| I personally think this feature could propel DM forward quite a bit: The ability to change animation speeds at runtime …
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| So guise, we are all color blind. Why? Grey. It just really clicked today. I was like...WOAH.
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| A year in the making. Yeah, I'll go with that.
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| Can anybody who uses Paint Tool Sai with their tablet give me some advice on coloring? I've seen various tutorials on …
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| Just a tiny little thing, figured I'd post it because why not. This is for when you want to move a certain amount of …
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| I was always kinda "eh" towards Rainmeter because I thought it was complex, but I decided to give it a second chance …
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| I'd like to have a color wheel in the icon editor. I've spent quite a bit of time with that age-old pallet it uses, but …
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Jul 20 2020, 2:43 pm