Fixed in 455
BYOND Version:454.1036
Operating System:Windows XP Home
Web Browser:Firefox 3.5.1
Status: Resolved (455)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
When a user sets custom macros through the Options and Messages window, the macros will override those defined in a game's interface, despite this note in the O&M macro dialog:

"These macros will apply in all games if the corresponding keys are not in use"

Either the behavior should be changed so that the game's macros are given priority over "custom" macros, or the above note should updated to match the true behavior.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
  1. Open a game with an interface that has macros running commands
  2. Open the Options and Messages window
  3. Open the Client>Macros dialog
  4. Create a macro for a key that already has a command attached to it by the game's interface
  5. Press the key, and see that your custom macro is executed instead of the one from the game

Expected Results:
The game's macro set is given precedence over any custom macros

Actual Results:
The custom macro is run instead of the game's macro

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? Not game specific.
In other user accounts? I am on the only account.
On other computers? Untested, but assumed.

When does the problem NOT occur?
When no custom macros overlap with game macros.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

Hard to say. For at least the past year, I had a ".shoot" macro defined for the Center key, but I didn't have any problems using the center key in games that required it. If you have a hard time tracking this down, I would be willing to downgrade and see if the problem goes away.

Delete your custom macros or move them to keys that are not already in use
These macros will apply in all games if the corresponding keys are not in use

Read that carefully,
If the corresponding keys are not in use.

It is saying that your 'bug' is in fact natural process.

if you don't want them using there own macro's set
control_freak = 1
Read it again. The keys are in use by the game, so the custom macro should not be applied. That note is under the custom macro window, not in the interface editor.

Also, I was approaching this more from the client's side than developers. If other people define custom macros for Game A and then move on to Game B without deleting all of them, they may find keys suddenly unresponsive. It seems more intuitive (and helpful, as some players may like to keep their custom macro sets intact) to just have the game's macros override the custom ones.
Whoopsie, didn't see that you said in the O&M macro thingy. Still control_freak should work. if it doesn't, then there is a bug
Rushnut wrote:
Whoopsie, didn't see that you said in the O&M macro thingy. Still control_freak should work. if it doesn't, then there is a bug

There's a bug anyways, as the behavior is clearly opposite to that stated. Also, I edited my comment as to why control_freak doesn't "fix" the problem.