Keywords: art, help, spriting, work

Some more artwork. It feels just meh to me. I need some tips to spice it up.
you should look at actual buildings as reference. Your buildings structures is all top heavy and off the proportions are all off as well.
take those support columns off of the side roof things. In their place put a downward line and shade the inside dark to give the house a more 3dimensional feel. This is only a rough mockup but check here to see what I mean: There's a lot of things you can do to this to make it better...shadingwise and whatnot...but I elt this stood out the most. I'd lookup some pixelart that has boards and things in it to see how easy it is to detail a wooden board with little effort. If you could make a decent board pixelart it would improve several areas of this building because it's about 20% wood pattern.

Thanks you two for the tips ill re-upload the image when im finished.
The updated work is now up. Mecha Im not sure how to fix the proportions. Could you elaborate more?
like the size of the window and door against the mushroom thing and how the roof looks and what parts would actually be viewable. you should look at existing pixel buildings from professional games is you don't quite understand me, base your buildings proportions of those.
Here is a quick mod I made to the building, hopefully it shows what I meant. housething.png

feel free to use it.
Ah I see what you mean now. Yeah I made the original house proportionate to my base. But I ended up completely re-doing the top half and it looked too big compared to the bottom. Thanks for the example, im going to make a variation of yours with the mushroom in it.