
Separate sounds for weapons
Toned down some of the louder sounds

Grenades, Right click to throw. Random 2 of the three types given per round. "G" to change grenades.
-Frag Grenade: On a timer, old right trigger to "cook" it.
-Sticky Grenade: Sticks to an enemy which causes it to flee. Cannot be cooked, does less damage with a wider blast radius.
-Proximity Mine: Same damage as sticky, but same range as frag grenade. While not as strong as the other two grenades, this can be placed on the ground. Careful though, it's hard to see and will only spare the one who placed it, everyone else will get exploded. (I like that word.)

Balanced weapons: From strongest per round to weakest.
-Pistols have strongest damage per round
-followed by rifle
-then the shotgun
-finally, the smg.

Edit: Grenades are still a bit buggy it seems, so expect the update in a few hours.
okay cool dog
Yeah, what laser said.

lol :)