
Joined: Jun 19 2009


Jun 18 2012, 7:24 am
Yo, long time no see

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CDL1115's Favorite Games

by Dark lchigo | Aug 26 2009
Under Reconstruction
Imagine taking a step in a world of sheer and conquer!
by Teka123 | Sep 12 2008
An action pvp game with a role to fulfill that you choose to dominate the game.
by Devourer Of Souls | Jun 29 2004
Tags: anime
An online, manual version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG.
Join Central and FIGHT FOR AMESTRIS...or join mustang and reform it!
by Dixon | Apr 15 2004
Tags: fangame
Colonel vs Harpuia!? Bass vs Sigma!? Who will win?
by Quiet Screams | Dec 31 2008
Updated Dec 29th 2013
by Masterdelta4 | Sep 6 2008
A great game meant for all ages young or old. Come on in have fun and relax. Its back and online again. Looking for good ...
A Game In Progress
by Miss Mika | Oct 5 2011
A pokemon game.
by Rinstar87 | Dec 22 2009
Beta version, report bugs,
The name states it all.
My First Game