For the first time, I am creating a web template in photoshop. Other times I have just taken free ones or bought them. Now I am actually creating a full template with slices and all. After I'm done my friend is gonna turn it into CSS for me.

So now my question is if anyone knows the standard dimensions of a website assuming all content is in middle and sides are blank. Take for example.

Thanks in advance for those who can give me accurate dimensions in Pixels.
Uh, I would suggest using Fireworks / Dreamweaver for this job. but sure go ahead and use photoshop I guess. Just look up common Computer Resolutions. I believe the most common one is 1024 x 768 these days...
960 is a popular width:
1024x768 is the desktop resolution, but when building a website you have to take into account the borders of the actual browser.

Most borders seem to have done away with the left/right sides when in full-screen mode, however you still have to take into account the scroll bar.

Like Forum_account said, 960 is probably a good safe bet, it gives you 64 pixels(32 per side) of blank space.