Code:this is a monster code, it is suppossed to make the monster drop an item, which it does...
icon = 'Monster3.dmi'
icon_state = " "
gold = 150
HP = 200
MHP = 200
player = 0
Str = 106
Def = 106
Expg = 5462
level = 90
monster = 1
PK = 1
NPC = 0
Del()//When it's going to be deleted
if (prob(4)) //50% Chance of going onto to dropping the helmet.
var/obj/equipment/head/Knighthelmet/K = new //Make a new
K.Move(src.loc)//Move it to the Kangeroo his location
..() //Do the normal
if( == 1)//if you have a pet
if( == src)//and this monster is already your target = ""//make your target blank
usr << "[src] is no longer your target."//get rid of that target
else//or if you don't have a target = src//make it your target
usr << "[src] is now your target.. get your pet ready, foo!"

Problem description:Ok, The code works in that it makes the monster drop the item that is suppossed to be dropped, but the monster does not die until the item decides to get dropped...

You indented '..()' too far. It should be this:

        Del()//When it's going to be deleted
if (prob(4)) //50% Chance of going onto to dropping the helmet.
var/obj/equipment/head/Knighthelmet/K = new //Make a new
K.Move(src.loc)//Move it to the Kangeroo his location
..() //Do the normal