I have a set of special cards in my game. Only the owner of a particular card sees what it is, while other players see a generic card back (so they can at least tell how many cards everyone has). In order to help newbies, I want to display the name of the card when the mouse is over it, as well as allow them to DblClick() and get a full description. The latter task is no problem... I just check to see if the player owns the card before giving them the description. However, how can I reveal the name of the card only to the owner when the mouse pointer is over it, while showing a generic name to others?
I'd say give the owner of the card an extra screen object or something that goes directly over the card. The overlay could have no icon, but set mouse_opacity to 2 and it'll cover the cards completely. From there, you can set the overlay object's name to whatever the card's name is, and since only the card owner will have the overlay, everyone else will see the generic card name.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
I'd say give the owner of the card an extra screen object or something that goes directly over the card. The overlay could have no icon, but set mouse_opacity to 2 and it'll cover the cards completely. From there, you can set the overlay object's name to whatever the card's name is, and since only the card owner will have the overlay, everyone else will see the generic card name.

sounds good.

I'm going to further complicate things by having scroll arrows when a player has a lot of cards (too many to fit on screen), so I'll have to move the cards often. Can I attach the screen object to the card so it moves with it automatically?
In response to Dramstud
I don't know much about how images work, but you could probably attach an image of the overlay to each card...