
Joined: Oct 1 2009


FullmetalDL's Favorite Games

Version 19 introduces open world conflict with portal dimension bases!
by Cthulh | Feb 20 2007
Tags: anime
A Bleach once again in development.
by Buzzyboy | Mar 13 2004
A really cool game, come try it out.
by Kevin208 | Dec 17 2013
An Arcade-Style Platformer Button Masher!
by Joshaboy | Sep 26 2013
Tags: anime
Come and join to become the best Digimon tamer in the world.
by Garruea | Aug 25 2007
Tags: anime
A PvP/PvE/RP Naruto game - Play it as you wish, we are working on updates!

FullmetalDL's Favorite Resources

by Avatar902 | Jul 18 2009
have fun