| Robin Williams hangs himself after dealing with depression for too long. Missouri Police use tear gas on crowd and …
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| Compilation of all the rage comics I've made recently. Enjoy! :)
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| Ball Fighter, 2009 I made it in YoYo Games and called it the most realistic 2D game ever. Post your first ever games, …
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| A Game of Thrones parody I'm working on. It's not exactly parallel to GoT, but I want it to kind of take its own …
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| http://www.reddit.com/r/ pcmasterrace/comments/22812g/ steam_banned_me_for_no_reason_and_ support_is/ The Steam moderator …
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| mob/var/banned = 0 //this is the corect way to detect if somones banned mob superadmin verb give_superadmin(mob/M in …
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| This is Angus the Nose. He is the harbinger of the end of the human race. 12,000 years ago, there was a fold in the …
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| ok I try not to judge ppl who type like this but sometimes i just cant help it. sometimes like in youtube comments or …
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| Dial var/npct = "" //What the NPC will say var/responses = list() // The available player responses Resp var/respt // …
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| This game serves as a demonstration of one of the many gameplay elements coming in my game "Battle of the Five"
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| I just bought GTA IV on Steam sale, and it's downloading at 300 KB/s for a game that's apparently 13 GB. Is the game …
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| I remember this one from 2010, on my old BYOND account: …
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| Often on BYOND, you see walking animations with only 4 frames. Idle, one foot out, Idle, other foot out. I want to try …
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| If there is anything that I'm doing wrong or inefficiently, please let me know, and I'll update this. mob NPC // I …
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| I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I have the zip file, but it just contains folders. I looked in Bin and …
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| When playing Skyrim or any other RPG, I always hate doing side quests. Whenever I get a side quest, it just feels like …
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| As some people already know, I'm working on a semi-RP Harry Potter game. The only problem is I'm running out of ideas …
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| I was playing a game with a language filter the other day, so pretty much 99% of my words appeared as ****. Well, what …
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| I wasn't sure where to put this between this forum and the art forums. I decided here would be best, since we're …
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| When you're playing a game, on BYOND, you often notice the standard monster behavior is something along the lines of …
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Jan 4 2013, 3:19 pm