Oh boy how I wish I was Popular.
I wish 50+ people would penetrate inside my login system.
I wish I was talked about, to the entire community of the byond system.
Oh boy how I wish I was popular.

Eh. . . God Is Good, is he not? Amen. Enough of that bullpiss.

Yeah. I'm gonna need your help advertising this new upcoming game. Haven't heard about it? Yeah I know, because the crap-face who I hired to advertise it did a very "Disgusting" job.

So I'm gonna need some volunteers, no no no. This isn't a paid job. Are you N.U.T.S?( Oh. . This doesn't meaning anything I just like to put dots between words I emphasize)

You don't get money, but yeah you will get alittle something "something". ( Possibly Admin, or Personal/Customized In-Game Features of your choice. )

Basically this little internet blog thingie is calling out for any known, good advertisers to help me advertise my game to increase it's popularity.

Contact me . .We can get Piss started.

Msn: [email protected]
Ah, thank you fellow byonder, hopefully people will notice My Upcoming game, just as they noticed NEStalgia.
You probably aren't talking enough about your game or providing interesting screenshots. The ones on your hub are very boring and don't show anything worthwhile that makes me want to play your game.
Thank's for the information, I'm gonna get on work with that now. : )
I don't mind penetrating your login system but I want your socket interface just for me.