I have an idea for an isometric game, but I'm currently working on a card game, I've shelved Epic Shinobi for far too long, I want to contribute more to BYOND by developing good libraries/improving my matrix library.

Wat do when you've got so much you want to work on but you burn out if you try to blast through any one project?
I don't get anything done unless I'm watching porn while I'm working on something.

That goes for school papers, work projects, programming, Wikipedia contributions, etc.

Two monitors. One full of naked women. The other a project.
No wonder he has a green star and is the 8th helper of all time!

This guy gives the best advice I've ever seen!
I don't get paid enough to be a BYONDling.
You basically blast through any project. If you can't get anything that'll motivate you to continue after your first "blast" then just drop it completely and "blast" through something new.