Keywords: dev, first, game
Alright, I've decided to start a blog.

What? neos300 has started a blog? Where?

Why here, of course. Before i begin, might as well tell you a bit about myself (not that anyones gonna read this)

Name:... I'm not telling. Just call me Steven. Don't ask why.
Age: 13
Proggraming languages known: DM(BYOND), BlitzBasic, Java

Anyway, expect to here rants from me a lot. Also expect nothing.

Also, i just got to the beach(a house near the beach, mind you) so dont expect much from me.

Anyway, might as well chronicle my progress on my 2 games i'm working on, DOTB and The Worst.

Progress on DOTB today:
Added some admin verbs.
Still looking for a host.

Progress for The Worst:
Worked a bit on the Sky, and added the hawk enime.

Btw, i cant spell enime. Also, theres a booger under my keyboard. Ughhhh.

Anyway, I am accepting donations. I no none of you are going to donate, so i'm trying a couple different strateiges.

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