What's up?
how do i start playin
Happy July 4th Neilz! I get GM now plox?
games down nielz
Is the game goona be back up soon?
how to star game
you start the game with the
5 number i was
comfused to its on the right---789
when is the game gonna be up i really love FF4 and i would love to play it online as soon as possible
Final Fantasy Legacy is down because of some technical problems. We're sorry for the inconvenience. We will try and bring it up again as soon as possible.

Sheva05 wrote:
when is the game gonna be up i really love FF4 and i would love to play it online as soon as possible

how long u gonna take
so how come i was logged into this game for 2 and a half hours with NO problem.. all of the sudden 11:00 pm (eastern time USA) it freezes up, and it says my login fails everytime? great game, i like the lay out and i'd play it again, but this is the second time it's happened in 2 days and im wondering maybe if it's a problem with the game, time zone, or maybe a continuous play IP address
problem.. thanx
Michaelschultz52884 wrote:
so how come i was logged into this game for 2 and a half hours with NO problem.. all of the sudden 11:00 pm (eastern time USA) it freezes up, and it says my login fails everytime? great game, i like the lay out and i'd play it again, but this is the second time it's happened in 2 days and im wondering maybe if it's a problem with the game, time zone, or maybe a continuous play IP address
problem.. thanx

The game tends to crash because of an unknown bug - although we have some ideas on what could cause it - so on a regular basis, you may suddenly lose connection with the server. Although, if it only happens to you, and the others are still able to play in the time you can't get in, the problem is likely to be on your side. Then we can do little to help you, except give advice in case you're able to give more details about your connection and the problem, and other similar problems which may have happened in the past.
Don't mean to be a nag, but can you say what sources the problem could be about, and what you've tried? XD
Hiye wrote:
Don't mean to be a nag, but can you say what sources the problem could be about, and what you've tried? XD

The battle system.
when final fantasy 6 comes out for byond, you guys are finished... end of story
Michaelschultz52884 wrote:
when final fantasy 6 comes out for byond, you guys are finished... end of story

Sure. They also thought that when FF5:AW came out.
Final Fantasy Legacy for ever! <3
so when is it coming back up??
FFL = best FF4 remake on byond i can find ^^
takes forever to level in your FFL.

play a game that doesnt lag so much and doesnt require that much grinding to complete the main story. DragonBallZHeroesUnited?tab=live
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