Keywords: chickenfeat

Just a short video of Truseeker getting the fastest time on the Chicken Feat demo. (Which isn't available any more, sorry.)

It's interesting to compare the route you took to the fastest route. He had a very dominating lead on the times, beating second place Arcticblast by 20 time intervals!

Make sure to check out my last post as well, I showed some interface things off! (:
Any info on a release time?
The Orange-Browm grass should be with desenty ?
@Ganing: Welp, I'd like the game to be playable by next week.
@Vegetas4: The lighter grass isn't supposed to be dense. It just slows you down.
This is unacceptable, i say! But interesting if not the very least, instead of going from above and looping down, i go down the bottom path and loop up at the very end. I wonder if that affects the time.