I cant seem to find anything on this at all, i was wondering if there is a way to stop the usr from walking/Moving and if so, How?

Any help will be appriciated!
You need to make a var and check it in the Move proc and if it equals 1 return ..() and if it's 0 return 0, good luck.
Pillsverry wrote:
I cant seem to find anything on this at all, i was wondering if there is a way to stop the usr from walking/Moving and if so, How?

Well, you could have a <code>locked</code> var to change if you want them to be locked. Of course, having just this will do absolutely nothing, so we'll have to override Move()
mob/var/locked = 0
if(locked) //if they're locked
return 0 //prevent movement
else //otherwise,
. = ..() //allow them to move

mob/verb/stop(mob/M as mob in view()) //"Stop" spell
M.locked = 1
M << "[usr] has cast Stop on you!"
usr << "You cast Stop on [M]!"
oview() << "[usr]'s spell fizzles."