(See the best response by Nadrew.)
I've been working with the default window in the interface file for a while so it has a map and things move via keyboard input as expected.

I decided to add another window and make it the default so I renamed the first window to GamePane and made it a "Pane". I renamed the new Window from window1 to "default" and added a child window. I set the left attribute to "GamePane". When I start the game now, none of the keystrokes are making it to the map even if I click on it. I have no other inputs on the screen. I have an Output and a Button. Why isn't the map receiving keyboard input? I hear *ding* *ding* *ding* when I hit keys so it's as if the focus is on something invalid and the map is disabled but it's not. If I take out the "default" window and uncheck the "Pane" option for the GamePane window, it works fine. I've done this a hundred times in the past but maybe I'm missing something stupid. It has been a while. Any troubleshooting ideas?
Best response
Are you sure the new default window has a macro set established?
Gah. Yeah, that was it. Is that a new feature? I don't ever recall having to re-specify the macro set when creating new windows. Perhaps it was abnormal order that I created the windows. I normally start my projects off using a child pane and this time I did it as an afterthought.
Always been that way, only the initial default window has any macro/menu settings.
Yeah, the initial window is typically the one I turn into the default/child host and everything else becomes panes. In this case, I tried to turn the initial window into a pane while creating a new window to be the default and overlooking the blank macro field. Anyway, thanks for the assist.